
Rank Transfers

Rank Transfers in vAMSYS allow pilots to transfer their rank, hours, and points from one VA to another, either within the vAMSYS ecosystem or from external systems. This page details the process and options available for Rank Transfers.


vAMSYS offers two main types of rank transfers:

  1. Internal Transfers: Transfers within the vAMSYS ecosystem, where pilots move from one vAMSYS VA to another.
  2. External Transfers: Transfers from external systems, logbooks, or management systems into a vAMSYS VA.

Concept of Direct Entry

Unlike traditional systems that allow the wholesale transfer of hours, vAMSYS focuses on a 'direct entry' model. This means pilots are promoted to a specific rank within the new VA if they meet certain requirements, receiving the hours and points necessary for that rank rather than transferring their entire history.

Internal Transfers


  • Pilots must apply for an internal transfer.
  • vAMSYS reviews their combined statistics from all vAMSYS VAs they are part of.
  • If their cumulative hours and points meet the requirements for the specified Internal Transfer Rank & Target, they receive the corresponding rank, hours, and points in the new VA automatically.


  • A pilot with 590 hours in VA A wants to join VA B.
  • VA B has an internal transfer rank set to 'Senior First Officer' with 500 hours and 10,000 points as the requirement.
  • The pilot's statistics from VA A (and any other vAMSYS VAs) are reviewed.
  • If the combined statistics meet the requirement, the pilot is awarded the rank, hours, and points in VA B. In this case, 500 hours, 10,000 points, and a rank of 'Senior First Officer' are awarded instead of the full 590 hours from other VAs.

External Transfers


  • Pilots must apply for an external transfer and provide proof of their hours and points from their previous system or logbook.
  • The new VA reviews the provided information and verifies if the pilot meets the requirements for the specified External Transfer Rank.
  • If the proof meets the requirement, the VA manually awards the pilot the appropriate rank, hours, and points.


  • A pilot with 590 hours from an external system applies to VA B.
  • VA B's external transfer rank is set to 'First Officer' with 120 hours, 13,500 points, and 0 bonus points as the requirement.
  • The pilot submits proof of their hours.
  • If the proof meets the requirement, the pilot is awarded 120 hours, 13,500 points, and the rank of 'First Officer' in VA B.

Setting Up Rank Transfers

As part of the Rank and Transfer Settings in Orwell, VAs can configure the rank transfer requirements:

  1. Internal Transfer Rank & Target: Set the rank, hours, and points required for internal transfers.
  2. External Transfer Rank: Set the rank, hours, and points required for external transfers.

Benefits of Direct Entry Model

  • Consistency: Ensures all pilots meet the same standards for ranks within the VA.
  • Fairness: Provides a fair method of integrating new pilots without overwhelming the system with imported data.
  • Simplification: Simplifies the process of rank transfer by focusing on rank requirements rather than detailed history.
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