
Data Importers

Orwell -> Data -> ImportersCan See Import

vAMSYS offers several importers. Before proceeding, it is crucial that you read the Introduction and ensure that you are ready and capable. Importers are advanced and may not be the best option for you.

vAMSYS importers allow you to Create, Update, and Delete records via one file. You can perform multiple actions in one import - editing the CSV accordingly to add, delete, and update entries.

You do not have to import a full set of data (airports, routes, aircraft, etc.) if you are not changing every item. Importers need at least two lines - the 1st line for the headers and the 2nd line for the data you are adding, editing, or deleting. Importing only the data you are changing optimizes the process.

How Importers Work

In simplest terms, vAMSYS importers process one row at a time from the CSV you uploaded. Each row is independent of the others - if one row fails, the others will continue to be processed and imported. Rows that cannot be imported are collected into a new CSV file you can download, with an extra column at the end of each row explaining the failure.

We leverage our infrastructure to process multiple rows simultaneously, typically 50, 100, or 500 at a time, depending on the importer type. Importantly, vAMSYS processes one type of import at a time across the entire system. This means that only one type of import (e.g., one routes and one airports, etc.) is processed at any given time across the entire vAMSYS platform.

Please keep this in mind if you think the importer is stuck.

Creating Entries

Ensure the ID and Delete columns are blank to signal the importer to add the new data to the database.

Editing Entries

Ensure the ID field is present and accurate (get the latest export), and the Delete column is blank to signal the importer to update the record with the provided ID.

Deleting Entries

Ensure the ID field is present and accurate (get the latest export), and set the Delete column to 1 to signal the importer to delete the record.

What is "Blank"?

When we say a column should be "blank," it means the column must contain no data, spaces, or any characters. In a CSV text editor, this will appear as ,, indicating an empty field.

Importer Failures

Sometimes, malformed data or unexpected inputs can cause the importer to hang. If the Rows, Processed, and Successful columns stop updating, it could be because the importer is busy or due to an error in the data. Allow some time to see if the importer completes.

Never upload the same file again and instead seek support. Re-attempting the same import file can duplicate data and cause more issues. Importers are designed to handle various inputs, but unexpected cases can still cause them to hang.

If the importer cannot perform an action, you will be able to download a file with all failed rows and explanations at the end of the import. Address these issues and re-import only the failed rows.


It is always best practice to first create some entries in VDS and then run an exporter. vAMSYS Importers use same column structure as exporters and are an ideal starting point.

Further, the columns imported have VDS equivalents - if ever in doubt - see VDS prompts and helper text to assist you. For each importer, we will cover only columns of interest.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Fleet Type (ID)Fleet ID can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
SimBrief Airframe IDRetrieved from SimBrief. Looks similar to 349674_1719351837546.
SB OFP FormatOFP formats available by SimBrief, f.ex lido, baw, ryr etc.
##_units'min' (minutes) or 'wgt' (weight).
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
World airportSelect column containing World Airport ID, or - if adding airports - column with the ICAO or IATA code.
Base1 for yes, 0 for no.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Incompatible ContainersCan be blank or comma separated list of container IDs - 5, 15, 25, 30. Container IDs can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Callsign ParametersComma separated list of parameter IDs - 5, 15, 25, 30. IDs can be retrieved from Orwell -> Settings -> VDS.
Scoring GroupID can be retrieved from Orwell -> Settings -> Scoring Groups
SimBrief Airframe IDRetrieved from SimBrief. Looks similar to 349674_1719351837546.
SB OFP FormatOFP formats available by SimBrief, f.ex lido, baw, ryr etc.
##_units'min' (minutes) or 'wgt' (weight).
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Default1 for yes, 0 for no.
AirportsComma separated list of Airport IDs - 5, 15, 25, 30. IDs can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.

Load Factor

IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Departure IDThe ID for the departure airport can be retrieved from the Airports Export or VDS.
If using the airport code, this field should be blank
Departure CodeThe ICAO or IATA code for the departure airport.
Note: you should only use one of ID, ICAO or IATA when adding routes and the Import modal will ask which you wish to use. If you're using the ID, this field should be blank
Arrival IDThe ID for the arrival airport can be retrieved from the Airports Export or VDS.
If using the airport code, this field should be blank
Arrival CodeThe ICAO or IATA code for the arrival airport.
Note: you should only use one of ID, ICAO or IATA when adding routes and the Import modal will ask which you wish to use. If you're using the ID, this field should be blank
CallsignCallsign for the route in the ICAO format. Note: Must be a valid combination of ICAO and IATA code from the Airline Callsign Parameters section in the Orwell Settings -> VDS
Flight NumberFlight Number for the route in the IATA format.
Note: Must be a valid combination of ICAO and IATA code from the Airline Callsign Parameters section in the Orwell Settings -> VDS
FleetsComma separated list of Fleet IDs - 5, 15, 25, 30. IDs can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
AltitudeCruise altitude in following formats: 35000, FL350, /350 or 350
Note: Can be blank, in case you want the Simbrief to decide the cruise altitude, but the column is required
CICost Index for the flight. Can be any value from 0 to 999.
Note: Can be blank. In that case, if using the Dispatch via Simbrief, an AUTO value is assigned to determine the Cost Index value for the flight, which is handled by Simbrief
RouteRoute for the flight. vAMSYS will get rid of any SIDs, STARs, and Step Climbs within the route
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. In that case, if using the Dispatch via Simbrief, the Simbrief will assign the route.
Departure TimeStandard departure time of the flight, in hh:mm format.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Arrival TimeStandard arrival time of the flight, in hh:mm format.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Flight LengthFlight length in hh:mm format.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. If blank, the value is calculated by vAMSYS by a general equation for an airliner
Flight DistanceFlight distance in nautical miles.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. If blank, the value is calculated by vAMSYS as a great circle distance
Start dateStart date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss value, when the flight should start to be bookable.
End dateEnd date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss value, when the flight should stop being bookable.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
RemarksAny remarks or notes which are visible fo the pilot.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
TypeType of the flight, based on the options in VDS. Can be "scheduled", "cargo", "charter", "training", "vfr", "repositioning", "jumpseat".
Note: Mandatory value
TagTag which can be any text string, based on which the flights can be filtered. Comma separated list.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Departure Stand GroupStand Group ID can be retrieved from Export. Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Arrival Stand GroupStand Group ID can be retrieved from Export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
PAX LFA single integer containing relevant PAX Load Factor ID. The ID can be retrieved from VDS or Load Factor export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Luggage LFA single integer containing relevant Luggage Load Factor ID. The ID can be retrieved from VDS or Load Factor export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Cargo (Weight) LFA single integer containing relevant Cargo Weight Load Factor ID. The ID can be retrieved from VDS or Load Factor export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
Cargo (Volume) LFA single integer containing relevant Cargo Volume Load Factor ID. The ID can be retrieved from VDS or Load Factor export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
ContainersComma separated IDs of relevant container types. The IDs can be retrieved from VDS or Containers export.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required
FlightrulesSimbrief API value for ICAO Flight Plan - Flight Rules field. Can be "i" or "v".
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
FlighttypeSimbrief API value for ICAO Flight Plan - Flight Type field. Can be "s", "n", "g", "m","x".
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
ContpctSimbrief API value for Contingency Fuel in percents (0.05), or percents/minutes (0.05/15).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
ResvruleSimbrief API value for Reserve Fuel in minutes.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
TaxifuelSimbrief API value for Taxi Fuel in minutes.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
MinfobSimbrief API value for the Minimum Block fuel in Pounds.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
MinfodSimbrief API value for the Minimum Arrival fuel in Pounds.
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
MelfuelSimbrief API value for the MEL Fuel in pounds (0.5) or minutes (20).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
atcfuelSimbrief API value for the ATC fuel in pounds (0.5) or minutes (20).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
wxxfuelSimbrief API value for the Weather fuel in pounds (0.5) or minutes (20).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
addedfuelSimbrief API value for the Extra Fuel in pounds (0.5) or minutes (20).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
tankeringSimbrief API value for the Tankering Fuel in pounds (0.5) or minutes (20).
Note: Can be blank, but the column is required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Minfob unitsSimbrief API value for the Minimum Block Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Minfod unitsSimbrief API value for the Minimum Arrival Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Melfuel unitsSimbrief API value for the MEL Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Atc unitsSimbrief API value for the ATC Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Wxx unitsSimbrief API value for the Weather Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Addedfuel unitsSimbrief API value for the Extra Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Tankering unitsSimbrief API value for the Tankering Fuel units. Can be "min" as minutes, or "wgt" as in weight.
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
Addedfuel labelSimbrief API value for the Extra Fuel label. Can be "extra", "acf90", "acf99", "addnl", "apu", "hold", "naifr", "opn".
Note: Can be blank, and the column is not required. Find out more on the Simbrief API description at the Navigraph Forum
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Airport IDID can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.

Stand Group

IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
Airport IDID can be retrieved from Export or VDS.
StandsComma separated list of Stand IDs - 5, 15, 25, 30. IDs can be retrieved from Export.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


IDLeave blank for new entries. Existing entries will have it generated by vAMSYS.
World Airport IDID can be retrieved from Export.
DeleteEnter '1' to delete, otherwise blank.


2024-07-19Initial Release