
Share Agreements

Orwell -> Settings -> Share AgreementsCan Manage Airline Share Settings

Work In Progress!

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Pilot Sharing Agreements allow pilots of one VA to see other VAs to join, facilitated through mutual agreements. This helps in cross-promoting VAs and enables pilots to discover new VAs to join.

vAMSYS, as a service provider, does not advertise the Virtual Airlines using our system - it is up to pilots to discover your VA, and it is up to you to recruit them.

Entering into a Pilot Sharing Agreement allows both VAs to promote each other on their Select VA pages. However, this does not mean all pilots will have accounts created for each VA. Pilots must click the join button to create an account with another VA.

Pilot Share Tokens

To initiate a Pilot Sharing Agreement, you need to create a Pilot Share Token and share it with the other VA.

Creating a Pilot Share Token

  1. Click on 'Create Token': Open the creation form to generate a new token.

Create Token Form Fields:

  • Remaining Uses: Enter the number of uses for the token. A blank value creates an infinite token.
  • Expiry Date: Set an expiry date and time for the token. A blank value creates an infinite token.

Using the Token

Once you receive a token from another VA, enter the token in the provided field and click 'Create' to establish the Pilot Sharing Agreement.

Viewing and Managing Pilot Share Tokens

  • View Tokens: The table displays all the tokens you have created, including their remaining uses and expiry dates.
  • Delete Tokens: Tokens can be deleted by confirming the deletion action.

Pilot Share Agreements

This section lists all your existing Pilot Sharing Agreements with other Virtual Airlines.

Viewing and Managing Agreements

  • View Agreements: The table displays all your active agreements, showing the initiating and receiving airlines, along with the number of registrations at each airline.
  • Delete Agreements: Agreements can be deleted by confirming the deletion action.

Detailed Steps to Create and Use Tokens

  1. Create a Token: Navigate to the Pilot Share Tokens section and click 'Create Token'. Fill out the form with the remaining uses and expiry date (if any) and save it.
  2. Share the Token: Provide the generated token to the other VA with whom you want to establish an agreement.
  3. Use a Token: Once you receive a token from another VA, enter it in the provided field under the 'Use Token' section and click 'Create' to establish the agreement.

Important Notes

  • Token Validity: Tokens with limited uses or expiry dates will automatically expire when the conditions are met.
  • Pilot Accounts: Pilots must manually join the other VA by clicking the join button; accounts are not created automatically.
  • Cross-Promotion: This feature helps in cross-promoting VAs, enabling pilots to discover and join new VAs.