
Managing Ranks in vAMSYS

Work In Progress!

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The Ranks component in vAMSYS allows VA owners to create and manage ranks awarded to pilots based on flight time and points. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the Rank management interface.

Rank Management Interface

Orwell -> RanksCan Manage Ranks

Rank List

The rank list displays the ranks for the airline along with key information:

  • Image: Rank icon.
  • Name: The name of the rank.
  • Abbreviation: Short form of the rank (e.g., FO, CPT).
  • Hours: Number of flight hours required for the rank.
  • Points: Number of points required for the rank.
  • B-Pts: Number of bonus points required for the rank.
  • Pilots: Number of pilots holding the rank. Clickable to see a list of pilots with this rank.
  • Honorary: Indicates if the rank is honorary.


  • Create Rank: Add a new rank by providing the necessary details and configuring the requirements.
  • Edit: Modify rank details and requirements.
  • Delete: Remove a rank.

Awarding Ranks

Regular Ranks

Non-Honorary (Regular) ranks are assigned to pilots automatically as part of the Pilot Statistics Update routine. This process is triggered after a PIREP is scored or its Accept/Reject status changes. Regular ranks cannot be manually assigned; the system handles this automatically based on pilot performance.

Honorary Ranks

Honorary ranks can be manually assigned to pilots via the Pilot List. Note that a pilot can hold one regular rank and one honorary rank simultaneously.

Creating or Editing a Rank

Rank Details

  • Name: Enter the name of the rank (required).
  • Abbreviation: Enter the abbreviation for the rank (required).
  • Hours: Number of flight hours required for the rank. Enter 0 if no requirement (required).
  • Points: Number of points required for the rank. Enter 0 if no requirement (required).
  • B-Pts: Number of bonus points required for the rank. Enter 0 if no requirement (required).
  • Honorary Rank: Toggle to mark the rank as honorary, which is awarded manually.
  • Rank Icon: Upload an image for the rank. Recommended size is 85x37 pixels.

Reordering Ranks

Ranks can be reordered using the move up and move down actions. Entry rank and the first non-entry rank cannot be reordered. The order is crucial not only for display purposes but also for rank calculations, awarding, and showing pilots their progress towards the next rank. Each subsequent rank must be harder to attain.

Deleting a Rank

To delete a rank, select the delete option from the actions menu. Pilots with the deleted rank will be reassigned to the entry rank. Honorary ranks cannot be deleted if they are set as the staff rank.

Entry Rank and Staff Team Rank

The entry rank and staff team rank are automatically created when the VA is created. These ranks cannot and must not be deleted, only edited.

  • Entry Rank
    • Name: Cadet
    • Abbreviation: Cdt
    • Hours: 0
    • Points: 0
    • Bonus Points: 0
    • Honorary: False
  • Staff Team Rank
    • Name: Staff Team
    • Abbreviation: ST
    • Hours: 0
    • Points: 0
    • Bonus Points: 0
    • Honorary: True

Example Ranks

Second Officer2/01100
First OfficerFO12013,500
Type Rating InstructorTRI31034,100
Line Training CaptainLTC85093,500
Type Rating ExaminerTRE1,200132,000

Example Epaulettes

Feel free to use or edit them for your ranks.
