
Managing Staff in vAMSYS

Work In Progress!

Documentation is work in progress. If you notice discrepancies between documentation here and reality on vAMSYS, please let us know in Discord so we can fix it.

The Staff component in vAMSYS allows VA owners to manage their staff, assign roles, and configure permissions. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the Staff management interface.

Staff Management Interface

Orwell -> StaffVA Owner OR Can See Staff

Staff List

The staff list displays current and past staff members along with key information:

  • Image: Staff avatar.
  • Name & Title: Staff member's full name and title.
  • Staff & User Email: Staff-specific email and the associated user email.
  • Orwell Access: Indicates if the staff member has access to Orwell.
  • VDS Access: Indicates if the staff member has access to VDS.
  • Staff Since: Date when the staff member was added.
  • Staff Till: Date when the staff member was removed (if applicable).
  • Hidden: Indicates if the staff member is hidden from the public team page.


  • Create Staff: Add a new staff member by providing their email and configuring their permissions.
  • Edit: Modify staff details and permissions.
  • Delete: Remove a staff member.
  • Restore: Restore a previously deleted staff member.

Creating or Editing a Staff Member

Orwell -> StaffVA Owner OR Can Manage Staff

Basic Details

  • Title: The title of the staff member, shown on the Phoenix Team Page.
  • Staff Email: Email shown on the Phoenix Team Page.
  • Hidden: Whether the staff member is hidden from the Team Page.
  • Staff Avatar: Upload an image for the staff member. Recommended size is 300x300 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Subsystem Access

Configure access to various subsystems of vAMSYS:

  • Can Access Orwell: Grants access to Orwell.
  • Can Access VDS: Grants access to VDS.
  • Can Access Hangar: Grants access to Hangar.

Pilot Actions

Settings related to managing pilot accounts:

  • Can View Pilot List: Allows viewing the pilot list, registration, and transfer review pages.
  • Can View Pilot Profile: Allows viewing and performing actions on pilot profiles.
  • Can Delete Pilots: Allows deleting pilot accounts.
  • Can Restore Pilots: Allows restoring deleted pilot accounts.

Pilot Announcement Settings

Settings related to managing pilot announcements:

  • Can View Alerts: Allows viewing alerts.
  • Can View NOTAMs: Allows viewing NOTAMs.
  • Can Create Alerts: Allows creating alerts.
  • Can Create NOTAMs: Allows creating NOTAMs.
  • Can Edit Alerts: Allows editing alerts.
  • Can Edit NOTAMs: Allows editing NOTAMs.
  • Can Delete Alerts: Allows deleting alerts.
  • Can Delete NOTAMs: Allows deleting NOTAMs.

PIREP and Livery Settings

Settings related to reviewing PIREPs and liveries:

  • Can Review Liveries: Allows reviewing liveries.
  • Can See All Liveries: Allows viewing all liveries.
  • Can Review PIREPs & Claims: Allows reviewing PIREPs and claims.
  • Can See All PIREPs & Claims: Allows viewing all PIREPs and claims.

Event Settings

Settings related to managing events:

  • Can See Events: Allows viewing events.
  • Can Create Events: Allows creating events.
  • Can Edit Events: Allows editing events.
  • Can Delete Events: Allows deleting events.

VDS Settings

Settings related to managing VDS:

  • Can Manage Aircraft: Allows managing aircraft and fleets.
  • Can Manage Airports: Allows managing airports.
  • Can Manage Scenery: Allows managing scenery.
  • Can Manage Stands: Allows managing stands and stand groups.
  • Can Manage Routes: Allows managing routes.

Airline Settings

Settings related to accessing and managing airline settings:

  • Can See Orwell - Settings Menu: Grants visibility to the settings menu in Orwell.
  • Can Manage Airline Settings: Allows managing airline settings.
  • Can Manage Design Settings: Allows managing design settings.
  • Can Manage Score and Preset Settings: Allows managing scores, autorejects, points, and comment presets.
  • Can Manage ACARS Settings: Allows managing ACARS settings.
  • Can Manage Discord Integration Settings: Allows managing Discord integration settings.
  • Can Manage VDS Settings: Allows managing VDS settings.
  • Can Manage Airline Share Settings: Allows managing share agreements.
  • Can Manage API Settings: Allows managing API settings.

Data Settings

Settings related to Imports and Exports

  • Can See Export: Allows creating Export requests.
  • Can See Import: Allows submitting Importer requests.

Other Settings

Other settings related to managing various components:

  • Can Manage Ranks: Allows managing ranks.
  • Can Manage Pages: Allows managing pages.
  • Can See Staff: Allows viewing the staff page.
  • Can Manage Staff: Allows adding, updating, or removing staff.
  • Can Manage Badges: Allows managing badges.

Additional Considerations

Visibility on Phoenix

Staff members who are not hidden will appear on the Phoenix -> Community -> Team page, displaying their image, name, title, and staff email. They will be listed in the order shown in Orwell, which can be rearranged as needed.

VA Ownership

The VA Owner cannot be deleted and is the only person with access to the Billing page. VA ownership can be transferred by sending a support ticket to Team vAMSYS.

Staff Permissions

Staff members with the Can Manage Staff permission can edit and assign all permissions, including those they do not possess. Be mindful when assigning this permission to avoid unintended access rights.

vAMSYS Staff

vAMSYS staff members have full access to your VA for support purposes. They cannot be removed but can be hidden or given specific titles and emails.

Restoring Deleted Staff

Deleted staff members can be restored using the restore action.
