
Comment Presets

Orwell -> Settings -> Comment PresetsCan Manage Score and Preset Settings

Work In Progress!

Documentation is work in progress. If you notice discrepancies between documentation here and reality on vAMSYS, please let us know in Discord so we can fix it.

In vAMSYS, PIREP Comment Presets allow VA staff to quickly add frequently used comments during PIREP (Pilot Report) review. This feature saves time by eliminating the need to write the same comments repeatedly, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

Comment Presets are predefined comments that can be added to a PIREP. These presets are used to standardize the review process, making it quicker and easier for staff to review PIREPs and provide consistent feedback.

Managing Comment Presets

  1. Access the Comment Presets Section: Navigate to the Comment Presets section under Settings.
  2. View Existing Presets: The table displays all the existing comment presets for your airline, including the name and content of the comment.

Creating a New Comment Preset

  1. Create a New Preset: Click on the 'New Preset' button to open the creation form.
  2. Fill Out the Form: Enter the details for the new comment preset.
    • Name: This is what VA staff will see when selecting the preset.
    • Content: This is what your pilots will see in their PIREP comments.

New Preset Form Fields

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the preset. This helps staff quickly identify the preset during the PIREP review.
    • Description: "This is what VA Staff see when selecting preset."
  • Content: Enter the comment text that will be displayed to pilots in their PIREP comments.
    • Description: "This is what your Pilots will see in their PIREP comments."

Editing an Existing Comment Preset

  1. Edit a Preset: Click on the 'Edit' action next to the preset you want to modify.
  2. Update the Form: Modify the details as needed.
    • Name: Update the name for the preset.
    • Content: Update the comment text displayed to pilots.

Edit Preset Form Fields

  • Name: Update the name for the preset.
    • Description: "This is what VA Staff see when selecting preset."
  • Content: Update the comment text that will be displayed to pilots.
    • Description: "This is what your Pilots will see in their PIREP comments."

Deleting a Comment Preset

  1. Delete a Preset: Click on the 'Delete' action next to the preset you want to remove.
  2. Confirm Deletion: Confirm your intention to delete the preset to prevent any unintended consequences.
Point Presets