Hangar Components
This page details the various components of Hangar, including the subpages and models used by the system. Understanding these components is essential for effectively managing and utilizing Hangar's capabilities.
Hangar includes attribution features, allowing Versions to be attributed to Authors or Sources. This helps maintain clear authorship and sourcing for all Files.
Authors can be individuals or companies responsible for creating a Version of a File. Each Author has the following fields:
- Name: The name of the Author. This is a required field.
- Email: The email address of the Author. This field is optional and not currently displayed.
- Website: The website of the Author. This field is optional and not currently displayed.
Sources refer to third parties providing a Version of a File, especially when it is hosted externally. Each Source has the following fields:
- Name: The name of the Source. This is a required field.
- Website: The homepage of the Source. This is a required field.
Organizational Units
Hangar uses Categories, Simulators and Addons to organize Files for easier retrieval and management.
Categories are used to group similar Files, such as checklists, liveries, and sounds. Categories have the following fields:
Name: The name of the Category. This is a required field.
Parent: An optional parent Category. Categories can have up to two levels (parent and child).
If a parent Category has child Categories, Files should not be assigned to the parent Category as they will not be visible to pilots. For example, Files assigned to a "Boeing" subcategory will be visible, but Files assigned to a "Liveries" parent category will not.
Simulators are hardcoded and limited to:
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - MSFS (2020)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 95 - FS95
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X - FSX
- Prepar3D v1 - P3D v1
- Prepar3D v2 - P3D v2
- Prepar3D v3 - P3D v3
- Prepar3D v4 - P3D v4
- Prepar3D v5 - P3D v5
- Prepar3D v6 - P3D v6
- X-Plane 11 - XP11
- X-Plane 12 - XP12
Addons provide an additional filter related to Simulators. Addons represent 'DLCs' or 'expansions', such as the PMDG 737 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2022. Addons have the following fields:
- Name: The name of the Addon. This is a required field.
- Simulator: The Simulator associated with the Addon. This is a required field.
File Management
Downloads is the core section of Hangar where all File management occurs.
Packs allow you to group multiple Files into a single downloadable unit. Packs have the following fields:
- Name: The name of the Pack. This is a required field.
- Image: At least one image representing the Pack. More images can be added, with the first image shown as the main image.
- Description: A description of the Pack.
Files are the primary elements in Hangar, containing the actual content to be managed. Each File has the following fields:
- Name: The title of the File. This is a required field.
- Published: Indicates whether the File is published and visible to pilots.
- Categories: The Category or Categories to which the File belongs. This is a required field.
- Packs: Optional Packs to which the File belongs.
- Simulators: The Simulators for which this File is intended. This field is optional.
- Addons: Specific Addons associated with the File, visible when Simulators are selected. This field is optional.
- Images: At least one image is required. Additional images can be added and rearranged; the first image is displayed as the main image.
- Description: A markdown description of the File, including details such as installation instructions or other relevant information. This is a required field.
Versions represent the actual file contents, such as ZIPs, PDFs, etc. Each Version has the following fields:
- Version Number: The version identifier (e.g., v1, v1.0.0). This is a required field.
- External: Indicates whether the file is hosted externally.
- Changelog: Details of what has changed in this Version. This is a required field.
- Sources and Authors: Attribution fields for the Version.
- File or Link: The file upload or full link to an external resource. Uploaded files must be under 1GB and uploaded within 15 minutes. Accepted formats include images, PDFs, RARs, or ZIPs, with a preference for ZIP files.
Downloads store the download information. They are automatically generated when a user downloads a file and are attributed to a File, Version, and Airline.
Users or staff can set a Download as 'Ignored' - for end-users, when viewing the File, it will appear as if the Download never happened.