
Managing Badges in vAMSYS

Work In Progress!

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Badges are awards given to pilots for achieving milestones or for participating in special activities, like rare events. They can be awarded manually or automatically by setting rules. Here is a detailed guide on how to manage badges in vAMSYS.

Badge Management Interface

WhereAirline Setting Permission
Orwell -> BadgesEnable BadgesCan Manage Badges

Badge List

  • Image: Displays the badge icon.
  • Name: The name of the badge.
  • Category: The category to which the badge belongs.
  • Description: A brief description of the badge.
  • Recipients: Number of pilots who have received the badge.


  • View in Phoenix: Opens the badge in the Phoenix interface.
  • Edit: Allows you to edit badge details.
  • Delete: Deletes the badge.


  • Category: Filter badges by category.

Creating or Editing a Badge

Badge Details

  • Name: Enter the name of the badge (max 200 characters).
  • Category: Enter the category name (max 200 characters).
  • Image: Upload an image for the badge (max 200x200). Avoid large file sizes to ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Description: Provide a simple and plain description for the badge.
  • Rules: Set rules for automatic awarding.

Page Content

  • Builder: Add panels, headless panels, and other components to structure the badge's page content.

Badge Rules

Badges can be awarded automatically based on the following rules, each requiring specific fields:

  1. Event Participation

    • Event: Select the event from the list of ongoing or upcoming events.
  2. Length of Service

    • Age: Specify the number of units.
    • Type: Select the unit type (days, weeks, months, years).
  3. Transport - Passengers

    • Amount: Enter the number of passengers transported.
  4. Transport - Cargo

    • Amount: Enter the amount of cargo transported.
  5. Flight Length - Individual

    • Seconds - Minimum: Minimum duration of a flight.
    • Seconds - Maximum: Maximum duration of a flight.
  6. Flight Length - Total

    • Seconds: Total flight duration in seconds.
  7. Flight Distance - Total

    • Nautical Miles: Total distance flown in nautical miles.
  8. Points - Regular Points Total

    • Points: Total regular points earned.
  9. Points - Bonus Points Total

    • Points: Total bonus points earned.
  10. Points - All Points Total

    • Points: Total points earned, including regular and bonus points.
  11. PIREPs - Count

    • PIREPs: Number of PIREPs filed.
  12. PIREPs - Count in Fleet

    • Fleets: Select fleets.
    • PIREPs: Number of PIREPs filed in the selected fleets.
  13. PIREPs - Landing Rate

    • FPM: Landing rate in feet per minute.
  14. PIREPs - Landing Airport

    • Airports: Select landing airports.
  15. PIREPs - Departing Airport

    • Airports: Select departure airports.
  16. PIREPs - Arriving or Departing Airport

    • Airports: Select airports for either arrival or departure.

Awarding Badges

Manually Awarded Badges

Manually awarded badges (badges with no Rule set) can be added to a pilot by editing their profile in Orwell.

Automatically Awarded Badges

Automatically awarded badges (those with rules set) are processed with PIREPs. This means that badge eligibility is checked with each PIREP processed. For example - at midnight one of your pilot accounts might turn 10 years old - badge for 10 years of service will not be awarded until they file a next PIREP or one of their existing ones in reprocessed.

Airport related rules operate as an 'and' condition - for example - to get a badge 'Go Essex!', the pilot needs to have flown into Luton, into Stansted and into Cambridge - all 3 airports set during badge creation.

Automatically awarded badges are limited to 1 per pilot - pilots will not be awarded duplicate badges.

Editing a Badge

Editing a badge does not remove it from pilots who have already earned it. Be cautious when editing badge details, categories, or rules, as the badge will retain its status with those pilots.

Deleting a Badge

To delete a badge, select the delete option from the actions menu. This action is irreversible, and current badge holders will lose the badge.
